티스토리 뷰


Why Things Are Hard

마마리뷰 2019. 3. 16. 20:44

things become hard when we overthink

things are hard when we take it too seriously

we must know how to enjoy



In life, there are indeed tough times. But, it depends if we take it as a problem or a learning! Actually, when life is hard, we are being trained so we learn something useful later! Do you agree?



So, why things are hard? I don't know about you and I will base my opinions from my experiences or point of views. First, we are afraid. Fear of the unknown is a joy stealer and we waste our precious time and energy thinking over negative things. We forget how to enjoy. Next, we overthink or overanalyze things. We take things too seriously that we make problems in the end. We must learn how to take it easy.



Actually, we must do the hard things first so that next time all other things are easier! How about you? Why things are hard for you? Do you pray? Do you believe in God? Do you only believe in yourself?



As they say, life is balance between good and bad. If things are always good, you'll find yourself lost and weary thinking other things aren't real. We must experience hard times to be a fighter with God!



How's your day? Comment down your moment, enjoy and share Why Things Are Hard!
